
On the 26th of July 2010, me and my training partner had a hardcore back and biceps session at Reflexions Gym, Stockport.


1.We started off with v-grip pulldowns,
as Martin shows here.

We did 4 sets, getting progressively heavier. I've been concentrating for over a month on getting my back wider. To do this I need to really attack the teres major and minor muscles to help 'spread my wings'...

3. Martin holds the pull-up at peak contraction for a seond or two. This makes the movement even harder!


2. Next came pull-ups, with various grips, for 5 sets.

We both try to perform this movement under control so that the muscles of the back really get used. I'm 6ft 4to 5 inches tall, and I weigh 15 stone 4ib so this exercise really zaps my energy quickly!

4. Here I am doing pull-ups with a slightly closer grip. I wish I could do as many pull-ups as Martin!


5. Next we did 'up and backs' on a seated machine row. Click here to see them.

For 'up and backs' select a weight you can handle for 5 reps, let's say 100kg.
Half it. This equals 50kg. Do 5 reps at 50kg, 5 reps at 65kg, 5 reps at 85kg, then if you can, 5 reps with 100kg. Without any rest, do 5reps at 85kg, 5 reps at 65kg and 5 reps at 50kg. You should perform the WHOLE thing without any rest.
It was so painful we forgot to take any photos of it!

6. We then did a superset of Dorian rows to deadlifts. Click here to see the pain!

As we're bodybuilders we don't just move the weight from A to B, instead we focus on contracting the muscles and feeling them doing the work. For instance,
I squeeze my entire back at the top of a deadlift and it really helps me to add detail to it...

7. After finishing off our backs with machine pullovers, we went straight to the preacher curl machine for 5 progressively heavier sets.



8. After preacher curls we did 'pass the parcel' barbell curls.

To do this you stand opposite your training partner and curl the barbell as many times as you can. As soon as you're done, your partner grabs the bar and does as many as HE can do. Then he passes it back. Aim to do this as many times as you can, until you're nearly throwing the bar up with no grace or form left! It's insane, and it works!


My wings are gettin bigger!
Maybe one day I'll be able to fly...


Martin is dieting down at the moment, so he's doing a LOT of cardio to tone up...



I use protein, creatine, glutamine and BCAAS to aid my training.
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